Port of Vancouver USA

OFFICE CLOSURE (2/14) – Due to inclement weather, port operations and the administrative office will be closed Friday, February 14, 2025.

HOLIDAY CLOSURE – The Port of Vancouver USA will be closed for receipt and delivery of cargo on Monday, February 17, 2025 in observance of President’s Day. Vessel activity will not be interrupted. The administration office will also be closed on Feb. 17.

Info for the Media

At the Port of Vancouver USA, we place high importance on keeping the media updated about what’s happening on the docks and in the industrial areas, and our communications team is ready to help reporters and editors get the information they need. A good place to start is by reviewing the port’s Welcome Brochure, which provides a brief overview of what makes the Port of Vancouver one of the leading ports on the West Coast. Detailed information and recent news about the port are provided throughout this website.

Members of the media who would like to be added to our distribution list: Please email Sadie Prodanovich at sprodanovich@portvanusa.com. Include your contact information in your message, and we will be sure you receive news releases directly by email.

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Port of Vancouver USA

3103 NW Lower River Road, Vancouver, WA 98660

PHONE360-693-3611 FAX360-735-1565 EMAIL info@portvanusa.com